Monday, May 13, 2013

It's Actually Somebody's Blog

I can’t believe it. I’m stunned. Just five minutes ago, as I was reading over yesterday’s post to check for spelling mistakes I may have overlooked, I made a spur of the moment Google search for ‘happy mommy blog’ just to see what would come up. Frankly, I didn’t expect much.

Well, you could knock me over with a pinch of dandelion fluff. There is a blog out there actually titled Happy Mommy and it's not of the facetious variety. 

I realise now that this is probably something I should have done yesterday, before I wrote my sarcasm-drenched spiel, but it simply hadn’t occurred to me that someone might actually call their blog Happy Mommy and that such a person would be Canadian with two young sons (just adding a third, according to her blog). I mean, what are the odds?

I only spent a few moments flipping through her pages because, as I’m sure you will have deduced from yesterday’s post, it’s painful for me to read through the minutiae of someone’s mothering and homemaking (unless that woman’s name is Erma Bombeck) but I saw enough to report that this Happy Mommy had lots of photos of her boys and recipes for healthy dinners. I tell you, my jaw was just about touching the keyboard as I looked over the site.

So there it is. I feel bad because I don’t want to hurt the real Happy Mommy’s feelings (she seems like a very nice person with not so much as a hint of my Jessica’s ridiculous smugness) but not so bad that I’m going to remove yesterday’s post in the off chance that it might offend someone. Over the years I have been led unwittingly to more happy homemaker blogs than you could shake a stick at and I always knew the day would come when, trying to find out how to clean leather or prepare artichokes,  I would find myself on a happy homemaker’s page showing eighteen photos of her toddlers dressed up for their first Halloween and it would just be eighteen photos too many.

Look, I know it’s not the fault of the happy mommies. They have as much right to clog up the ether with their empty musings as I have with mine, and no one is forcing me to visit their sites. I guess I just wish there was a super quick and easy way – like a one-click, pop-up box -- to give a banality rating for any blog you visit, the results of which Google would display beside the sites’ names when they came up in searches. That way you could narrow it down a bit, save yourself some time.